CinéKer i Port-aux-Français

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Port-aux-Français, French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Kontakter telefon: +262
Latitude: -49.3489032, Longitude: 70.220376
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Kommentar 5

  • WD



    As someone who has definitely been to Port-au-Français, despite the conditions, the seal burger is straight fire, especially with horseradish sauce.

  • Cringy 2 Year Old Kid

    Cringy 2 Year Old Kid


    I watched very nice movies here like ice age or happy feet. 5/5 stars

  • The Schmience Show

    The Schmience Show


    The experience was very memorable for me. I really loved their ice cream. I'm getting a bit tired of the Ice Age movies though. Also the only marvel movie they're playing is the Winter Soldier.

  • Jake Brennan

    Jake Brennan


    Surprised my drink didn’t freeze. Ice Age 2 gave my local friends quite a scare. Nice and cozy here. Why am I here again?

  • Tomas SVK

    Tomas SVK


    A bit small, but very cozy cinema in the middle of nowhere. The best place to go when it looks like there is an snow apocalypse outside. Once I went for a grocery shopping shortly, before the shop was about to close, I just need vanilla sugar for my Babovka cake, but there was a blizzard outside. Nothing rare here, but this one was the strongest one in 50 years or so. So after 3 hours of wandering outside trying to find my way to the shop I realized I might be a bit late and I might need to head back. Of course try to find way back, when you can not see your toes. Well still after a while I bumped into something, that something was a building and that building was actually the shop I wanted to go to get my vanilla sugar. As expected the shop was closed. I was a bit frozen exhausted, but I knew there is a cinema from the opposite side so in the end I got into this small cozy place with a smell of butter popcorn and good movie playing. I am telling you there is not better place to go during a blizzard then to CineKer. Cheers

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